Dog Shows Up To School Every Day,So A Teacher Took Matters Into Her Own Hands

Kanza K.

One thing that is true of lost/dog street dogs it that many of them will always politely beg for human help.

In fact, just about every dog will be reluctant to get too close to humans. Instead, they will simply sit around, waiting, hoping that someone will notice them.

In this article, we are going to discuss a dog that waits in front of a school for someone to come and save him from his misery.

A Sweet Everyday Welcome

As he was arriving at the entrance for work, Caleb Schaffer, who teaches at an elementary school in Houston, Texas, noticed a dog at the front and had no idea why it was there.

The man, who was wagging his tail, continuously appeared interested in seeing the man. Schaffer, though, didn’tdidn’t have much time and needed to get started with teaching, so he left the kid there.

His tail started thumping when he saw me,” he said in an interview to The Dodo.

He found himself thinking a lot about helping the poor dog, so after class, he went outside to see if it was still there.

Source: Facebook

To his surprise, the dog was missing. Apparently, local animal shelter workers had frightened him when they tried to capture him.

But he was back again at the school’sschool’s entrance the following morning, and the same thing happened again.

This time, Schaffer saw how truly terrible the dog’s skin was and how skinny he was, and decided that he would help him the next time he came to school.

See also  Neglected Dog Found with a Bag of Beloved Toys But Someone Stole Them Leaving Her Alone Again

Third Time’sTime’s A Charm

At the start of day three, the wheels were back in motion. This time, Schaffer wasn’t going to let him out of sight, so he brought the dog to his car and drove him to his house, where he asked his wife to keep him company until he got home from work.

After completing school, Schaffer thought he could somehow save the dog by contacting rescue organizations in Texas, but they were too busy.

So he settled for the next best thing. He brought the dog to his local animal shelter, where medical attention and a bath would be provided.

The shelter has this and that, and I thought, just some basic vet care there is better than none, Schaffer added. He was really suffering.

Source: Facebook

His story spread on Facebook, and Lucky Lab Rescue and Adoption stepped in, providing him with a foster until he found his permanent home (he was already named Clive).

It was some time ago, but Schaffer still enjoys telling this story to his students and teaching them the importance of caring for stray animals.

He said that there are so many strays everywhere here. It’s been an opportunity for me to talk about spaying, neutering, heartworm prevention, and the truth about shelters.

Clive was taken into foster care a long time ago, and its it’s unknown whether he was adopted, but the sure thing is that she’s a well-behaved and happy dog who deserves every bit of love in the world.

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