Woman Left Scratching Her Head as a Mysterious Clump of Dog Fur Takes a Solo Adventure Across the Floor!

Kanza K.

You’ve maybe been lounging on your couch, or possibly watching a show and you just get that feeling that something’s not right?

Well, that’s exactly what happened to Cheyenne. When she went to see what it was, though, she was confused.

Cheyenne Benzo was sitting at home with her daughter and their dog, Sheldon when she spotted something.

Cheyenne spotted a tiny ball of Sheldon fur while lying on her living room floor, right beside his bed.

But Cheyenne brushed it off, due to the fact Sheldon sheds a LOT.

Sheldon is a fur tornado, essentially. Cheyenne said, “I have fluff balls in the house.

But somehow, this ball of fluff just appeared different. It was much thicker than all the other ones, but even more crucially it moved without all present.

Cheyenne was left shocked. That initial confusion level was pretty high. I crouched down on the floor with my flashlight and saw that the fur ball had eyes.

Mystery Solved

Cheyenne looked closer and learned the ball of fluff was actually a small tree frog.

Source: Facebook

Tree frogs have that soft sticky body and it had gotten tangled up in Sheldon’s fur.

“Bro, whose mans are you — I have no idea where he came from. He just appeared unshaved and scrambling for words,” she explained.

The frog found itself tangled in the hairs and could not hop about. Cheyenne said she felt sorry for the little animal and felt that she needed to help.

He allowed me to get a wee bit of fluff off him before he attempted to hop, but the poor wee dude was having a bad day. He even permitted me to pick him up and hold our water over him. Cheyenne said: “He was super chilled and just stood there to let me clean him without moving.”

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The frog was back to his old hopping around self, after having had his little bath.

Finished, Cheyenne then thought a little, and since she had a rather interesting daughter, she decided to introduce her to Mr. Frog and tell her this rather funny story: ”

My daughter and I brought him outside to the stream on our property. So, she said, we went back in and he stuck around on the grass under a hibiscus tree.

Final Word

So far so good, as they say.

It actually made me really happy that I could show my daughter how to be there for him and help him. She appreciated releasing him outdoors. Cheyenne added, I will promote that daily.

Source: Facebook

This makes a great story for Cheyenne to share with her friends but also an excellent lesson in kindness for her daughter.

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