After months of hiding in the shelter, this once timid pup blossomed into a joyful girl on meeting her sweet foster sister.

Kanza K.

Like all strays, Chenille wanted love and a day would come when she could have her place in the sun.

The promise of a brighter future filled Chenille with warmth and helped her survive through the difficult and hazy days on the streets of Ohio.

The stray doggo was picked up by rescuers and brought to Lucas County Canine Care & Control.

The little dog was sure her dream was within reach but then, upon entry to the full pound, it was a different story.

Freedom and love: they were what Chenille wanted when she entered the noisy shelter that made her nervous.

The Doggo Gets A Chance

The pup was clearly afraid and unable to ease. Her tail was tucked between her legs, and her head bent down.

Chenille did not respond when staff attempted to engage her, and instead became shy and withdrawn.

The next reason reads, “Some dogs cannot handle being in a shelter. She would just walk around — tail tucked, ears back and a little hunched,” LeeAnn Harden, dog intake coordinator at Planned Pethood, Inc., said to The Dodo.

Two and a half months later Planned Pethood pulled Chenille from the Ohio shelter into their care.

So Harden decided to foster Chenille — hoping to help her come out of her shell.

When the pup arrived at home with her foster mom, she stared at her new environment in disbelief. Chenille was still as shy as she had been in the shelter kennel.

However, there was one thing that could turn the doggo into a sweet little puppy — Lila, Harden’s two-year-old daughter who absolutely adored dogs.

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The toddler loved being chased by her family’s pups and was excited to meet Chenille.

The fear was a distant memory when Lila began to run and spin in the room, turning around to see if Chenille would chase.

Her sad face suddenly lit up.

Next thing I know she’s off tailing Lila and jumping around on a bed with her new foster sister. Chenille licked the toddler’s hands and looked up at her as if seeing with new eyes.

Chenille: A Little Human Does Big Things

And Chenille just kept playing with her — Lila enjoyed her just as much and was laughing nonstop.

Happiness glimmered in Chenille’s eyes. She came to understand how fucking lovely life gets.

Harden captured the adorable interaction between the pup and her foster sibling, which was shared by the shelter on their TikTok page to brighten up everyone’s day.

This is why fostering is key — particularly dogs like Chenille. Harden said: “I took that video within two hours of him being at our house.

Chenille becomes a snuggling machine. This cutie loves to cuddle with her foster family and give kisses.

Nice dog is fine with the family dogs. The only time Chenille is happier is when she cuddles up with her little foster sister.

And the pooch is thankful to Harden and her family for letting her experience the warmth of a home.

Because of their love and gentle care, she became a happy-go-lucky dog with a zest for life.

I really hope the lovely lady gets her forever humans that will love and cherish her as she deserves very soon.

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