Are you interested in the Zodiac? Are you fascinated by space, the cosmos, the constellations, the stars, the moons, and everything else the beautiful night sky has to offer?
If you’re looking for a dog name inspired by the wonders of astrology, look no further. On this list, you’ll find 150 of the most awesome astrological names for dogs.
We have dog names based on the constellations (including the zodiac signs), dog names inspired by space and everything therein, and dog names inspired by the stars, planets, and their moons.
These unique, thoughtful names will give your dog personality and character. They’re also a great way to let other dog owners know about your love for astrology and strike up a conversation. So, without further ado, let’s start.
49 Dog Names Based on the Constellations
- Vela
- Cepheus
- Aquila
- Apus
- Polaris
- Aldebaran
- Capricorn
- Betelgeuse
- Cygnus
- Virgo
- Spica
- Bootes
- Saggitarius
- Canis
- Delphinus
- Ara
- Aquarius
- Antlia
- Mensa
- Pegasus
- Scorpius
- Hydra
- Algol
- Canopus
- Lynx
- Capricornus
- Chameleon
- Corvus
- Pavo
- Pisces
- Dorado
- Major
- Minor
- Adhara
- Cetus
- Zodiac
- Cassiopeia
- Lacerta
- Serpens
- Denebola
- Archer
- Auriga
- Cancer
- Scorpio
- Taurus
- Sagittarius
- Centauri
- Antares
- Lupus
47 Mystical Dog Names Inspired by Space
- North
- Calypso
- Ejecta
- Viper
- Zathura
- Trojan
- Jetson
- Odyssey
- Herschel
- Orbit
- Einstein
- Dreyer
- Shepard
- Spock
- Faye
- Stellar
- Sputnik
- Falcon
- Pandora
- Hawking
- Babylon
- Guion
- Atom
- Quasar
- Quantum
- Ariel
- Nova
- Delta
- Cosmic
- Solstice
- Spektr
- Omega
- Chawla
- Kentaurus
- Blueshift
- Walker
- Armstrong
- Hermes
- Nexus
- Kodos
- Sagan
- Phoenix
- Proton
- Zoidberg
- Gamma
- Hercules
- Prometheus
27 Wondrous Dog Names Inspired by the Planets and Moons
- Zenith
- Samson
- Capella
- Krypton
- Proteus
- Xander
- Uranus
- Cluster
- Mars
- Atlas
- Naboo
- Genesis
- Pleiades
- Lyrid
- Cordelia
- Giant
- Charon
- Crescent
- Planet
- Endor
- Lunar
- Procyon
- Daxam
- Earth
- Titan
- Callisto
- Jupiter
37 Beautiful Dog Names Inspired by the Night Sky
- Piper
- Shade
- Cumulus
- Pixie
- Bluster
- Thunder
- Dark
- Whirl
- Aurora
- Moon
- Mae
- Joy
- Fog
- Dusk
- Eva
- Leia
- Gaze
- Quinn
- Lexi
- Shadow
- Stratus
- Alto
- Storm
- Lightning
- Bailey
- Cloud
- Twilight
- Harlow
- Rain
- Stargazer
- Nightshade
- Midnight
- Space
- Mandy
- Sadie
- Shine
- Funnel
How to Teach a Puppy Its Name
Now that you have an assortment of awesome astrology-based names to choose from, you may be wondering: How do you teach your puppy it’s new name?
I hope you enjoyed browsing our catalog of the 150 most awesome astrological names for dogs. Were you able to find something suitable for your four-legged companion? If so, let us know what you’ll be naming your dog in the comments section down below.
Feel free to share this list with astrology enthusiasts like yourself!