Susan Dorling

Abandoned Dog Caught on Camera Smiles Again In A New Home

Susan Dorling

Remember that tear-jerker about the dog abandoned on the side of the road? Well, grab some tissues because I’ve got ...

Starving And Abandoned Dog Approaches A Truck Driver And Begs To Be Saved

Susan Dorling

It was a chilly, typical afternoon in Missouri, and a truck driver, weary from his long journey, decided to pull ...

Mama Took Runt Of The Litter And Held Her Close Knowing She Needed Her Most

Susan Dorling

A heartwarming tale begins with Zia, a pregnant Pit Bull who was found trembling in a kennel, scared and in ...

Sweet Dog Abandoned By Owners On The Street Finally Finds Someone Who Made Her Feel Special

Susan Dorling

Imagine being a tiny puppy, confused and alone, wondering why your family disappeared. That’s the story of Goldie, a sweet ...

Sad Puppy Abandoned by Owner Gets a Second Chance

Susan Dorling

Everyone knows puppies love kids. They both enjoy the same things—playing, napping, and exploring the world one paw at a ...

Couple Brings Home Blind Dog Left in a Box and Witnesses a Beautiful Transformation

Susan Dorling

In the busy streets of Bridgeport, Connecticut, a tiny puppy named Georgie was abandoned and left all alone. Deaf and ...

Shelter Staff Was Shocked that Nobody Wanted This Dog Because He ‘Looked Mean’

Susan Dorling

What makes a dog appear “mean” is hard to understand. But every time people saw Sully, a 5-month-old Pitbull, they ...

How to feed cats to sardines?

Susan Dorling

Cats are attracted to the smell of sardines. Sardines are a rich, fatty fish used as bait for trapping a ...

10 Ways to Mask the Scent of a Dog in Heat

Susan Dorling

Nothing lures in a pack of male dogs like a female in heat. Unfortunately, this can also make things difficult ...

Is Anthurium Safe For Cats?

Susan Dorling

If you are getting a new cat, it’s a good time to go through your garden and ensure all the ...

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