Dog Urine Sticky When Dry — Why? What to Do?

Nadine Oraby

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No matter how well house-trained your dog is, accidents sometimes happen. When accidents become frequent, it is often an indication of an underlying health problem. If you notice that your dog’s urine is still sticky when it has dried after having an accident, this may be a cause for concern.

So, why is the dog’s urine sticky when dry, and what do you do about it? Sticky urine can be a sign of diabetes, and it is something that you need to consult your veterinarian about as soon as you can.

So how are urine and diabetes related? To understand, you must be familiar with diabetes and its effects on the body. Diabetes impacts the functions of specific organs in a particular way.

Worried about sticky dog urine? This video will help you learn all the tricks.

Why Is My Dog’s Urine Sticky?

Studies show it is common for a dog with diabetes to experience increased thirst, resulting in more pee production. The dog can unintentionally relieve himself on the floor or go outside more frequently than usual.

When glucose levels in the blood are high, the urine often appears darker than usual. Your dog may experience weight loss despite a normal appetite. Its appetite may even increase as the body’s cells crave food for energy without glucose.

High sugar concentration is what causes the urine to be sticky. You should expect a stronger odor because it is highly concentrated urine. If you’ve ever taken your dog for a walk and the exercise was intense, you’ll notice your dog is extra thirsty, and the urine is clear afterward. A possible explanation is that the activity has drained the body of surplus insulin, which changes the urine color.

The pancreas produces insulin to regulate blood sugar. Dogs can get diabetes if they don’t have sufficient insulin or the pancreas doesn’t make enough of it. Your dog will become parched and urinate more frequently because the liver works extra hard to remove the excess glucose from the blood.

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Dogs with diabetes tend to be underweight, although they eat a lot. The more sugar the dog consumes, the more satisfied it becomes. Because their insulin hormone isn’t functioning perfectly, dogs with diabetes experience weight loss or overeating as they can’t satisfy their bodies with the typical quantities of food they consume.

If your dog is constantly lethargic and uninterested in any activity, such as playing or jogging, he may have a severe type of diabetes. The body utilizes fat for energy release, resulting in increased bodily toxicity.

What Should You Do if Your Dog Has Sticky Urine?

If your puppy persists in urinating and his urine becomes sticky when it dries, consider taking him to the veterinarian immediately. You’ll need to take things one step at a time since the length of your dog’s life depends on how well he manages his diabetes.

When blood glucose levels return to normal, frequent urine will cease. Your vet can identify if your dog is diabetic by doing a few basic diagnostics, including:

  • Taking a urine sample.
  • An enzymatic glucose assay, such as hexokinase or glucokinase dehydrogenase, if the urinalysis and the laboratory work fail to offer conclusive answers
  • An abdominal and pelvic ultrasound.

Many dogs gain weight and develop diabetes since they eat too many sweets or sugary treats, particularly human food. Thus, when your dog stares at you with those begging eyes while you are enjoying ice cream, be aware of this possibility. A small amount of something sweet will not harm your dog, but it should be an occasional treat only. You can always give dog treats instead.

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To reduce urination, most owners cease feeding their dogs liquids. Don’t restrict fluid consumption, mainly if your dog is diabetic. Dehydration can bring about additional complications. Your dog can become sluggish, lethargic, and even faint.

Strive to keep your dog’s urination area to a minimum. Territorial marking will occur if your dog starts peeing all over the place. The dog will return to where it last urinated because urine smells attract it.

The best way to keep your dog confined is to provide a comfortable bed. For golden retrievers, keeping the crate size in mind is essential, as this will be an easy task for those who have already trained their dog to use their kennel.

Is Frequent Urination in Diabetes a Life-Threatening Situation?

Typically, urination occurs during the initial phases and is manageable with regular insulin administration.

If you skip an insulin dosage, the symptoms may return as the glucose levels rise. It may not be dangerous if the next insulin dose is on schedule. Urination-related symptoms will disappear within three days. Nevertheless, if you have neglected to monitor the insulin levels, prolonged high glucose levels can lead to hyperglycemia.

One study reveals that extremely high blood glucose levels might cause irreparable damage to the body. It can result in severe organ failures. Consult a veterinarian if your dog has more significant issues, such as ketoacidosis or abnormal glucose levels, and is urinating everywhere. A few possibilities exist that the dog’s bladder or kidneys have failed if it passes viscous pee.

Is your dog showing signs of urinary problems? Check this video to learn more.

Final Notes

Sticky urine in dogs is a sign of diabetes. If you keep a close eye on your dog’s diabetes, everything will be fine. You don’t have to worry about your dog urinating anywhere while they are out and about. In rare instances, your dog’s excessive urination could signify his organs failing, and it’s time to take him to a veterinarian for treatment.

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