Can a Dog Still Produce Puppies After Being Neutered

If your dog already got neutered or if you’re planning to get her neutered, then you probably have a lot of questions about it. 

A dog can not produce puppies after being neutered. The neutering process involves taking out the ovaries and uterus. Just like humans, female dogs, too, can’t carry puppies without those organs. So you can be carefree with your dog now, unlike male dog owners. Male dogs still have a chance of impregnating after surgery.

In this article, we will tell you more about the neutering process. Keep reading if you’re interested in knowing if your dog can still go in heat, the best time to get your doggo neutered, and more.

Can a Neutered Dog Produce Puppies?

If you’ve invested in your dog’s neutering procedure, you should know your dog can no longer produce. The whole point of the surgery is to completely take out the ovaries and uterus. This is typically known as an ovariohysterectomy, similar to a hysterectomy in humans. 

So your dog will become infertile, meaning she’ll lose the ability to get pregnant, let alone carry the puppy to full term.

Most dog owners choose to get their dogs spayed to prevent the heat cycles that make them miserable. If you own a dog, you know what we’re talking about. A big reason is also to prevent pregnancy. 

However, if these weren’t your reasons to get your dog neutered, then the thought of not seeing your dog as a mama may not sound too pleasing to you. 

Other reasons for neutering your dog include treatment for false pregnancy, canine diabetes, or uterine infections.

Whatever the reason, the end result is the same. Your dog will be completely sterilized and infertile.

An important thing that every dog owner looking to neuter their dog should know is that the results are different if you own a male dog.

If you get your male dog neutered, you still have to be cautious because there are still chances of impregnating a female dog after the surgery.

Most of the sperms are flushed out, but the dormant sperms remain and could make a female dog pregnant if they come in contact after the surgery. These sperms stay on a dog for 6 weeks. 

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Although it’s highly unlikely that your neutered dog will impregnate a dog, it’s still possible, so as they say, ‘better safe than sorry.’

Will My Neutered Dog Still Go Into Heat?

No, your neutered dog can’t go into heat as the neutering procedure completely removes ovaries. Hence your dog can’t produce estrogen, the chemical that triggers heat and its symptoms.

Suppose you see that your neutered dog is still displaying some symptoms of heat. In that case, your dog likely suffers from ‘ovarian remnant syndrome.’

This is when the veterinarian misses a small piece of ovarian tissue during the surgery. This remaining tissue won’t be sufficient for pregnancy but will be adequate enough to make your dog feel the symptoms of heat.

Depending on your dog’s condition, your veterinarian may:

1. Suggest a second surgery to remove the tissue.

Suppose your dog is experiencing symptoms like bleeding or swelling along with the behavioral symptoms of heat. In that case, your dog will probably require a second surgery to ultimately be free of the ovaries.

2. Give medications to suppress the symptoms.

If your dog only shows behavioral symptoms of heat, like mounting or humping, and there’s no sign of bleeding or swelling, then your vet will prescribe medicines. 

Sometimes behavioral symptoms of heat, even after the removal surgery, indicate severe medical conditions in the dog, like a malignant tumor, so it’s always better to have follow-ups with your veterinarian and get your dog diagnosed professionally.

Can a Neutered Dog Still Lock with a Female Dog?

Yes, your neutered dog can still lock (have sex) with other male dogs, even though they can’t get pregnant. The neutering procedure is only internal, so your dog will still have the same organs needed to have sex.

However, the neutering process will suppress your dog’s urge to have sex, so it’s unlikely that your dog would want to be involved in the mating process due to low estrogen levels.

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The Best Age to Neuter Your Dog

When should I spay my female dog?

Getting your female dog spayed before the first heat cycle is recommended. However, it’s hard to find out when that would happen. So many professionals advise you to wait till your female dog is at least 6 months old or above. If you have a large dog, it’s best to wait more than 6 months.


Research shows that when you get a large dog spayed at less than 6 months, the dog may experience some medical problems like orthopedic problems and certain cancers.

Research conducted on 35 breeds found that the large dogs neutered before 18-24 months experienced health problems like ACL and joint issues, cancers, and urinary incontinence.

However, the ideal time for spaying differs with every breed. Neutering early can also be problematic for your dog, so professionals recommend following the guidelines for your dog’s breed to avoid any health issues.

Why should I get my dog neutered?

Sometimes, you need to understand why getting your dog neutered is a big deal. Let’s see why most dog owners lean toward this option.

1. Decrease Aggression

Certain male breeds have high protective drives, which can present themselves in the form of aggressive behavior. You know what we’re talking about if you have a Husky or German Shepherd.

Neutering your dog decreases the hormone that leads to aggression.

2. Prevents a rise in homeless dogs

Neutering is an excellent way of dealing with the homeless dog population. So do your part and prevent more innocent puppies from becoming homeless.

3. Reduce Problem Behaviors

As much as we love our buds, they can become a pain in the neck in no time.

Many dog owners get fed up with their dogs spraying everywhere and humping anything that comes their way. 

If you’re a victim of these behaviors, neutering your dog is your best bet.

4. Prevent Certain Diseases

Cancers, like breast cancer and testicular cancer, are widespread in dogs, and neutering prevents these from happening. 

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Nadine Oraby

My name is Nadine; I am a passionate writer and a pet lover. People usually call me by the nickname “Joy” because they think that I am a positive and joyful person who is a child at heart. My love for animals triggered me to create this blog. Articles are written by vets, pet experts, and me. Thanks for visiting. Your friend, Nadine!

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