13 Steps To Predator Proof Your Rabbit Hutch

Predator-proofing your rabbit hutch is vital, especially if you keep them outdoors.

So, how to predator-proof your rabbit hutch? 

Predator-proofing a rabbit’s hutch can be divided into many different phases. Your focus should be on making their cage’s wiring durable, locking the doors to the hutch, and ensuring that the floor is hard and impenetrable.

This article will walk you through every step of predator-proofing your pet bunny’s hutch in a quick and easy way.

Predator-Proofing Rabbit’s Hutch 101

To safely house your outdoor rabbit, take precautionary steps to enhance their hutch. Alongside predator-proofing, you should also ensure it’s escape-proof.

Here we reveal 13 steps to help you get started:

#1. Hutch Material

Rabbit hutches come in three primary materials:

  • All net
  • Wooden
  • Metallic frame

The all-net hutches are typically made entirely of wire or netting material. It provides excellent ventilation, which is crucial for rabbits, and is also suitable for easy visibility and interaction. This material is lightweight and easy to move around.

However, since there’s less insulation, it may require additional measures to protect rabbits from extreme weather conditions and predators. Wire floors are also deemed uncomfortable for a rabbit’s feet.

Next comes in the wooden hutches. These are constructed using wood for the frame and walls, with wire mesh for ventilation. These serve better than all-net hutches with regards to predator-proofing and offer better insulation against cold and hot weather. Wood is also comfortable for rabbits to sit on and is more aesthetically pleasing.

But here’s the catch: It requires regular maintenance to prevent rot and weather damage and may not be as predator-proof as all-metal hutches without additional measures.

Last but not least, metal hutches have metal frames with wire mesh sides and roofs. This material is strong and durable, offering good predator protection. Some designs provide insulation options and are easy to clean and maintain.

Metal frames can safeguard against predators but can become dangerously hot in the sun, potentially harming your bunny. Opt for a material that’s also weather-resistant for the best protection and comfort for your rabbit.

The choice of the best hutch material depends on your specific needs and location. For most situations, a wooden hutch with a combination of wood and wire mesh provides a good balance between insulation, predator protection, and comfort for the rabbit. However, if you live in an area with extreme temperatures or have frequent predator concerns, a metallic frame hutch may be a more secure option.

It’s essential to consider your climate, rabbit’s needs, and maintenance capabilities when selecting the most suitable hutch material for your outdoor rabbit.

#2. Placement

We have it all mapped out as to where we want to place our pets!

But experience surely plays a huge role in knowing where a rabbit hutch might be vulnerable to attack and where it won’t. If you’re a newbie rabbit owner, pay close attention and also check out our rabbit checklist to gather all the products that you need for your bunny.

Be sure you put them at an ideal height, not too far off the ground or on the ground. It is best to place your rabbits at least one foot off the ground.

Keeping them at a height would invite the raccoons or critters who might push the Hutch over out of curiosity.

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#3. Change the Wiring

If you plan on keeping your pet rabbits outdoors, then make sure you have strong wiring on the hutches. Chicken wire would prevent them from escaping but wouldn’t keep the predators away.

Wiring can be a complicated task and is highly dependent on the hutch’s material. Make sure you use thick wire that can stop big and strong animals like dogs from breaking it.

Additionally, ensure that the wire is fixed thoroughly.

Depending on your hutch, you will have to ensure proper placement of the wire. Make sure not to miss out on weak spots and fix them perfectly to the hutch’s surface. An ideal form of wiring, in this case, is weld mesh, and top-quality rabbit hutches usually use them.

#4. Locks and Bolts

A key aspect of predator-proofing is the placement of the correct locks.

Here is what you need to know:

If your hutch has a latch on it, make sure it is secure. Latches are the most unsafe form of a lock; the mechanism around it is straightforward.

A toddler can open a latch; the same could be done by a hungry fox or a badger, for that matter. Therefore, if you have a latched hutch, make sure it is firmly attached and is hard to open.

Additionally, try placing a bolt on the latch.

Why Bolts?

Well, let’s say it will add some complexity to your hutch’s lock system.

#5. Check the Surface

Foxes and dogs are excellent diggers. When placing your hutch, make sure your surface is a strong one.

You might be surprised to know.

Foxes can be extraordinarily sneaky and would dig a tunnel underneath your rabbit’s hutch and eat away your pet.

That being said, rabbits can dig their way out of the Hutch into the open, prone to predator attack.

This makes grass surfaces a big no. Make sure that the surface cannot be penetrated to prevent any form of burrowing. Wood, concrete, and marble work fine as a hutch’s surface.

#6. The Base of the Hutch

When making a hutch, make sure you have wiring on the surface.

Why place the net beneath the surface?

This helps sieve the waste onto the tray, which can then be disposed off later.

If you use a wire with big holes, then your rabbit’s feet might get stuck, making them prone to being attacked from beneath the ground.

#7. Add Some Support

Often at times, when predators try to attack, they find the weak spots in the prey’s enclosures. If your rabbit’s hutch has a strong support, preferably wood, then it would be hard to scratch the way in.

Only wired caged wouldn’t be a wise idea.

Also, with a wooden frame, the wiring could be nailed in easily. A wooden frame on a wooden stand would work best for your furry friends.

#8. Strong Roof

When a wolf fails to get in from beneath the hutch, the next move would be to climb over it to see if they can get their hands on the rabbits.

Make sure you have a strong roof that is made of a material that is hard to break or rupture. Ideal materials for the roof include weld mesh or wooden slab that is nailed seamlessly to the main structure.

#9. Sturdy Structure

Oftentimes, when placed at a height, the predator may throw the hutch on the ground to see if they can break it.

To prevent this, the best thing to do is to give your hutch a sturdy structure. This will help prevent all forms of damage.

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Metal is the sturdiest of all. Pair it up with some wooden borders, and your structure is ready to be placed outside.

#10. Electric Fencing

A very recent form of predator-proofing, electric fencing can be your best bet.

Why is this effective?

Well, once the predator feels the electric shock, the chances of them returning would be extremely low.

If electrical fencing seems complex, then make sure to add some spikes to the tips of your fence to prevent foxes or any other predators from getting inside.

Additionally, make sure your fencing is secure and doesn’t have big gaps or weak spots.

#11. Odor Repellents

How do predators find their prey?

Simple, they smell them!

How do you prevent this?

Odor repellents.

With odor repellents, you can quickly eliminate your rabbit’s odor, thus preventing the predator from attacking in the first place.

Make this a part of your cleaning regime that you spray odor repellent on and around your bunny’s hutch.

#12. Prevent Rabbits from Chewing the Hutch

Rabbits tend to chew things, especially wood.

They can do this when they’re hungry or simply out of boredom.


Make sure you have a metallic rod or frame placed inside the wooden frame to prevent any structural damage to the hutch.

Additionally, try creating a routine for your rabbits that has the right nutrition and a balance of work and play.

This helps eliminate both the boredom and hunger element that is the primary reason for them chewing off the hutch.

#13. Keep an Eye

While supervision is the ideal choice, it may not be feasible for pet parents with long working hours.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is predator-proofing my rabbit hutch important?

Predator-proofing is crucial to ensure the safety and well-being of your rabbits. Predators like foxes, raccoons, and birds of prey can pose a serious threat.

How can I secure openings and entrances to prevent predators from gaining access?

Use hardware cloth to cover windows, doors, and ventilation openings. Ensure there are no gaps or weak points in the hutch’s structure.

What are some effective predator deterrents for a rabbit hutch?

Motion-activated lights, noise alarms, and scent deterrents like predator urine or mothballs can help deter potential threats.

How do you keep rabbits safe from predators?

Keeping your rabbit safe from predators is your first job as a pet parent. You can do this by either keeping your rabbit indoors or predator-proofing your rabbit’s hutch.

Should I cover my rabbit cage at night?

There is no need to cover your rabbit’s cage at night. Just make sure you have your hutch is predator-proofed.

How much space does a rabbit need in its cage?

It is recommended to have at least 8 square feet of enclosure space combined with at least 24 square feet of exercise space for 1-2 rabbits, in which they can run and play at least five hours per day.


Predator-proofing your rabbit’s hutch isn’t complicated; it involves straightforward yet crucial steps. It’s essential to follow the guidelines outlined in the article. Furthermore, before bringing a rabbit into your home, conduct thorough research on their specific needs and behavior.

As a responsible pet parent, bonding with your rabbit and understanding its personality should be your initial priority. Once you’re familiar with your bunny’s habits and characteristics, you can tailor the environment to meet its needs, providing comfort, privacy, and security within the hutch.

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Nadine Oraby

My name is Nadine; I am a passionate writer and a pet lover. People usually call me by the nickname “Joy” because they think that I am a positive and joyful person who is a child at heart. My love for animals triggered me to create this blog. Articles are written by vets, pet experts, and me. Thanks for visiting. Your friend, Nadine!

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